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PSY 600: Group Counseling
This course is designed to provide you with a thorough background in the techniques and theories of group counseling. How group therapy and individual therapy can be integrated using the cognitive-behavioral approach is examined. Additionally, how the group modality of treatment can be used in the treatment of substance abusers.
Group Counseling: Concepts and Procedures 4th ed. Robert C. Berg. New York. NY. Taylor & Francis. 2006. ISBN: # 0415952190.
Brief Group Counseling: Integrating Individual and Group Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches. Michael J. Scott & Stephen G. Stradling. New York, NY. Wiley Publishers. 1999. ISBN # 0471978388
Brief Strategic Problem-Solving Group Therapy. Terence T. Gorski. Independence, MO. Herald House/Independence Press. 1995. ISBN # 0830907165.