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PTH 1600: Multicultural Counseling
For most the mystery of death and dying continues to defy imagination. What is seen of death is the finality of the physical body. But what is believed about the meaning of death, how it should be faced, and what happens after physical death varies by culture and its associated religion (DeSpelder& Strickland, 1992; Johnson &McGee, 1991).
There are Three (3) required textbooks for this course.
Cultural Issues in End-of-Life Decision Making: Sage Publications Inc., Kathryn L. Braun, James H. Pietsch, and Patricia L/ Blanchette. 2000: ISBN # 0-7619-1217-7.
Multicultural Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Lifespan Perspective. Merrill, an imprint of Prentice Hall, Leroy G. Baruth, and M. Lee Manning. 4TH 07. ISBN: 0-13-170681-0.
Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death, and Grief, Edited by Donald P. Irish, Kathleen F. Lindquist, and Vivian Jenkins Nelsen, ISBN# 1560322780