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PSY 920: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The basic principles and concepts of cognitive-behavioral therapy are explored. The issue of client resistance is also examined from a cognitive-behavioral point of view. Finally, how cognitive-behavioral therapy can be applied to the treatment of client from special populations or problems is examined.
There are three (3) textbooks required for this course.
Cognitive Therapy: Basics & Beyond. Judith S. Beck. New York, NY. Guilford Press. 1995. ISBN # 0898628474.
Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy. Robert L. Leahy. New York, NY. Guilford Press. 2001. ISBN # 157230684X.
Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Specific Problems and Populations. John R. Wright. Washington, DC. American Psychological Association. 2000. ISBN # 1557986908.