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PSY 840: Life Coaching
In this course you will first learn the basic principles of coaching and how to incorporate them into your practice. Next you will be exposed to the more advanced concepts of coaching and how they can be used to bring about change in individuals and larger entities. Finally, cognitive-behavioral concepts as they apply to live coaching is examined.
Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice. Pat Williams & Deborah Davis. New York, NY. W. W. Norton & Company. 2007. ISBN # 0393705226.
The Mindful Coach: Seven Roles For Helping People Grow. Douglas K. Silsbee. Marshall NC. Ivy River Press 2004. ISBN # 0974500356.
Life Coaching: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach. Michael Neenan& Windy Dryden. New York, NY. Taylor & Francis. 2002. ISBN # 1583911383.