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NRS 800: Natural Health Care
This course is structured to present concepts of natural health care from a Body-Mind-Sprit dimension. It takes us to a fresh starting place in understanding the principles, theories and modalities in use today in natural health care. For many, natural health care is a move back to our “roots” so to speak, and although it often times works best in conjunction with current day medical and health care science, you will see, as you journey through this course that natural health care has come of age in its own right. Our society today needs and begs for more natural health care practitioners who can safely lead and guide them through alternative modes of care and teach them to care for themselves and prevent disease and illness. Nursing has its roots in the concepts of body-mind-spirit and in preventative care.
The justification of this course is its foundational role in establishing natural health care as a legitimate and highly valued mode of care delivery today in the world. It will assist you to understand the vast world of care modalities that exist from a natural perspective, provide for beginning study of illness, disease, and focus on issues of wellness and prevention. It is the first peek into the world of natural health care.
This course also provides you with a much broader perspective of natural health care, the fact being that natural health care is more than just the body and physiological processes; Natural health care deals just as much with the mind and the spirit of man. Thus, it is a holistic model of care. I know you will enjoy this course.
Dr. Earl Mindell's Secrets of Natural Health. By Earl L. Mindell, Ph.D, and Virginia Hopkins, MA. Los Angeles;Keats Publishing: 2000. ISBN # 0-87983-985-6.
Timeless Healing: The Power and Biology of Belief. By Herbert Benson MD, with Marg Stark. A FireSide Book published by Simon & Schuster; 1997. ISBN # 0-684-83146-5.