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NRS 522: Thesis
Past courses in this track have provided the fundamental concepts and the development of basic skills necessary to write your nursing proposal and thesis. You can accomplish this goal by either a review of the literature supporting your proposal or conducting nursing research and writing your thesis in support of your evidentiary research results. The texts chosen for this course specifically support your course objectives and goals in professional scientific writing and APA formatting of your final paper. Therefore assignments will support your quest for information on how to write a thesis and all aspects of the correct formatting of your paper. I would strongly suggest that during NRS 519, 520 and 521 you think about an area of interest for your final thesis.
Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations Author: Turabian, Kate L. ISBN: 0-226-82337-7 Edition: 7th (2007) Publisher: University of Chicago Press
A Writer's Reference with 2009 MLA and 2010 APA Updates Author: Hacker, Diana ISBN: 0312664761 Edition: 6th (May 2010) Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's