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NRS 504: Alternative Care Therapies
This course is formatted at the graduate level of study. It is intended to provide you with the theory, knowledge and application of “mind-body-spirit” health care interventions. You will find this course of great interest and will experience more enlightenment into other dimensions of health care outside of bio-physiological diagnostics and modalities. You will also study relaxation techniques that can be used in clinical practice.
Contemporary Alternative Therapies in Nursing (6 th edition) by Mariah Snyder and Ruth Lindquist (eds). New York; Springer Publishing Company: 2010. ISBN# 0-8261-2428-3.
The Relaxation Response. By, Herbert Benson. New York: Avon Books.1975: ISBN # 0380006766.
Beyond the Relaxation Response. By, Herbert Benson. New York: Berkley Books.1984: ISBN # 0425081834.
Tape 1: Breathing: The Master Key to Self-Healing. Audio cassette by Dr. Andrew Weil. Boulder: Sounds True. 1999: ISBN # 1-56455-726-X.