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MKT 300 – Foundations of Marketing
COURSE OVERVIEW: This area of specialty practice is growing all the time and many are using their skills to practice full or part time in this area of marketing. This practice specialty grows more important each day and many graduates of our program will have opportunities to acquire positions in marketing management. Obtaining the credential from a quality program is essential to capitalize on this career opportunity. You have made an excellent choice for your continuing education and skill attainment. I am sure you will be pleased with our degree program’s course of study.
TIME FRAME: This comprehensive college-based course is developed to provide learners with an understanding of the principles and foundations of marketing and marketing management. A high school diploma is required for admission to this course of study. This course is a foundational course in the degree curriculum. This course is designed to be self-paced. It is a 15 week course earning Four (4) semester hours of college credits are awarded upon successful completion.