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HRM 300: Fundamentals of Personnel Administration
The major focus of this course is to study varied demonstrations of the imposing authority of the human resource management. A brief introduction to the human resource management field will be provided that includes various examples of how professionals interact when engaging in a human resource rich environment during the process of human resource strategies being implemented. During the duration of HRM 300 you will grow in understanding while gaining an appreciation for the human resources process, professional organizational involvement and professional support provided to businesses and organizations. Also, the course will reveal the various ways that are necessary to detect issues that may have an effect on staff morale, employee performance and customer or client satisfaction. In addition, knowledge will increase through information provided about supervisor functions, ethical issues in the workplace and career opportunities in the evolving field of human resource management.
Textbook:Book 1: Management, Richard L. Daft Wright South-Western Cengage Learning: ISBN-10-538-47953-1.