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EDU 980: Principal Leadership in Education
This is an upper level course that prepares you to work in the field of K-12 Educational Administration. In this course you will study the seven Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards developed specifically for school leaders.
Textbook:”The Principal – Creative Leadership for Excellence in Schools”, by Gerald C. Ubben, Larry W. Hughes and Cynthia J. Norris. Prentice Hall Publishers. ISBN: 0-205-48137-X.
This is an upper level course that prepares you to work in the field of K-12 Educational Administration. In this course you will study the policies involved in the economic and political models that affect the current social, political and economic state of our schools.
Textbook:“Education Finance for School Leaders”, by C. William Garner. Prentice Hall Publishers. ISBN: 0-13-097862-0.