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ECO 160: Economics
This course will soon demonstrate, economics doesn't have to be a complex and distant subject with a lot of math and graphs and charts, but rather it can a subject that can be useful and easy to understand. Basically, if you can add, subject, multiply, and divide, then you have fulfilled the math requirements for this course.
Ask anyone in business or finance or just about anyone who runs a business and they will agree that the world is in a state of constant motion. This globalization of the world can be good for a manager who understands how to use this constant state-of-motion to see the future and, thus, to develop an economic plan for the long-term health for his/her enterprise. Basically, this is what the course concentrates on: the process of trying to explain how an economy operates, and what it eats and what it breaths and where it walks and who drives the car.
Textbook:“The Economy Today, 12th Ed. By Bradley R. Schiller. ISBN: 10:0-07-337589-6