EC 335 – Internet Marketing

EC 335 – Internet Marketing


COURSE OVERVIEW: Welcome to Internet Marketing, my name is William Flood, your instructor. I am happy to be your instructor in this course, which is one of the most critical to your success in understanding e-business.

This is an exciting hands-on course that will provide you with a solid grounding in the concepts of how marketing is conducted in an online environment. The course is designed to give you a series of real-world exercises from which you will learn about the subject of online marketing. Your textbook will provide the theory; your assignments, and the intensity with which you pursue them, will provide you with the opportunity to actually “do” what online marketers do on a regular basis.

This course is for those individuals who wish to learn the principles and processes of Internet marketing. The course provides an overview of web advertising strategies, online PR, communication methods, and Internet direct marketing. Student will explore issues such as online customer relations management, online brand management, database marketing, and channel management. Students will be trained how to source, cost, and measure online advertising media. Topics will include: