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CS 120 – Microsoft Excel
COURSE OVERVIEW: Welcome Microsoft Excel, part of the requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Executive Assistant Management. I am pleased to offer you this course, which will be a foundational course for the remainder of your studies in Executive Assistant Management. You have the opportunity in this course to explore the basics in Microsoft Excel.
TIME FRAME: This is a 4 semesters hour course. This course is allotted 15 weeks of time. You must complete all of the requirements for the course successfully by the end of the 15th week period. The first day of week one will begin the day that you register for the course, or the day which you notify me that your textbook has arrived and you are ready to begin your studies. Please be cognizant of the time frame. It is rare that extensions of time are permitted, unless you have good justification. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded 4 semester hours of credit.