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CJ 225 – Criminal Justice Information Systems
COURSE OVERVIEW: Welcome to “Criminal Justice Information Systems”, a Bachelor Level course. I am pleased to instruct you in this course, which will allow you study the criminal mind and the law enforcement mind-set in the world of information systems and technology.
This course is about criminal justice information systems and technology. There will be no tests or textbooks required for this course. All the information you will need is either online or will be supplied by me.
This course will be divided into two parts; the first part being the law enforcement point of view, and the second part being from a criminal point of view. For the first several weeks you will be learning about the different types of information systems and technology available to the various law enforcement agencies in the United States. These agencies can be from the local police department to the federal level. During the last couple of weeks you will learn about the technologies used by criminals and how they use them. (DISCLAIMER: I nor Breyer State University are not responsible for what you do with this information. This is being shown to you for educational purposes only!)
Computers are the future of not only criminal justice but crime and criminal acts as well. This is the reason I am teaching you this course from both perspectives. In order to catch a criminal you must be able to think like one. My ultimate goal is to make you think like a criminal but at the same time keep you on society’s side.
I am looking forward to mentoring you through this course and enjoy seeing you through this step on your way to completing your Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice.