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BUS 250: Strategic Management
This course will spotlight the issue of running a business enterprise. It will introduce you to: What managers must do and do well to make a company a winner in the game of business. Strategy and Business Policy cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management which focuses on the corporation as a whole and its interactions with its environment. The corporate world is in the process of global transformation and every day brings new change and direction for managers regarding; acquisitions, outsourcing, downsizing, and strategic alliances. This course will give you the panoramic view of the changing corporate terrain and will show how large and small firms can be more effective and efficient both in today and tomorrow's arena of business. Upon completion of this course you'll learn to tell the difference between winning strategies and mediocre strategies, and become more skilled in spotting ways to improve a company's strategy and execution
Textbook:Strategic Management,. Gregory Dess, G.T. Lumpkin, Alan B Eisner, McGraw Hill. ISBN # 0077246268.