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ACT 300: Principles of Accounting I
This course is an introductory level beginning to the concepts of accounting. We will cover the concepts and simple accounting functions that you will need to know in your future accounting classes. This foundation will allow you to understand the complex language and acumen associated with Accounting. The course will cover Chapters 1-9 in the textbook and study guide (please see “Textbooks”). All instructional materials will be extracted from those sources.
College Accounting. By James A. Heintz& Robert W. Parry, Jr. 20th Edition
Text + Study Guide and working papers. ISBN#: 1-111-12189-3
College Accounting: Study Guide Solutions. By James A. Heintz& Robert W. Parry, Jr. 20th, Chapters 10-15. ISBN: 0-538-75072-3
For links to the university bookstore and other services, please go to the “Links” section at the top of your classroom.