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NRS 725: Health Care Ethics
We have the opportunity in this course to explore many theories, concepts and strategic interventions related to ethics in nursing and health care delivery. This course is structured to present theories/concepts and models that are needed to confront today's' most pressing ethical issues
This course is formatted at the graduate level of study. It is intended to provide graduate, doctoral level nursing students with the theory, knowledge and application necessary to provide teaching, leadership and research contributions related to ethics in practice. Many issues are presented that impact patient care, the nursing staff, and the organization on a daily basis. If you complete this course you will have a far-reaching knowledge base in the specialty of ethical analysis and resolution.
Textbook:Nursing Ethics through the Life Span. By Elsie Bandman and Bertram Bandman. Upper Saddle River; Prentice Hall: 2002. ISBN # 0-8385-6976-5.